Promotional video – truck mixer-pump CIFA MK28L PB607


The Internet is undeniably the most powerful marketing tool for many entrepreneurs today. Thanks to it, you can easily promote your business. We, as TarCo, want to meet our clients’ needs and provide them with ready-made content that they can use in their promotional activities. And so, in cooperation with MAN and ABET, we created a promotional video presenting the truck mixer-pump CIFA MK28L PB607. Why a movie? Because sometimes a picture is worth more than 1000 words!

Promotional videos have many advantages, mainly:

● Visualization of machines in action: Technical specifications are one thing, but with video you can see how machines work on the construction site.
● Presenting technical details: Not everyone likes to read machine specifications, but the data provided in the video is memorable and allows customers to know the detailed technical aspects of each machine.
● Innovation: Our machines are changing the concrete industry thanks to creative and innovative machine solutions.
● Attractive form of presentation: Our machines not only work great, but also look great. The video can help customers make a decision about their purchase.
● Sharing knowledge: Our specialists are happy to share their knowledge about concrete, its transport and pumping, and their knowledge of machines and their use is second to none.
● Global reach: The Internet and social media allow you to reach customers all over the world, and videos are an attractive form of communication.
● Motivation and Inspiration: Not only companies can record videos.

We encourage you to create your own videos with projects created using our machines. This is the best form of advertising!

Film is a tool that allows you to convey knowledge in an attractive and accessible way. We would like to thank ABET and MAN for the opportunity to implement the project and we hope that this is only the beginning of TarCo’s new activities in relations with our customers. 🤝

Tomasz Pampuch

Key Account Manager

+48 691 233 343

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